Mis Proyectos
La Academia
The woman who was walking with her husband near the alleyway
The man who could have sat next to the woman of his dreams and didn't.
Security at the gates of heaven
The artist who had a spelling mistake and crossed it off
The lady who, the more she read, the more she realised how much she had left to
The cock that was to be painted white
The man who drew graffiti thinking of the woman who would pass by afterwards
The bespectacled boy on the left who knows he is going home without a girlfriend
The grandmother who looked after her grandchildren when they got tired
The lady who did not expect her husband on the beach
The man who wanted to call his wife by phone
The lady who wore her polka dot blouse to the beach
The girl in white who liked to put her hands on the ground
The banker who one day did not listen to the boss
The lady who did not wear her cap in case her hair was disheveled
The lady who always left home with her umbrella and broom
The man who always left his house with his umbrella and rifle
The boy who smoked a cigarette wherever he got the balls to
The most handsome man in the metro
The woman in the poster who looked great with her eyes made up.
The lady who liked to eat at McDonalds
The gentleman who was watching carefully to see if his wife had gone to sleep
The couple who argued over who threw out the rubbish
The rival who entertained a football team's goalkeeper